Resources & Articles
Here are some related resources about women in STEM.
The STEM Gap
“Girls and women are systematically tracked away from science and math throughout their education, limiting their access, preparation and opportunities to go into these fields as adults.”
Gender Differences in Mathematics Motivation
“In addition to attempting to verify gender differences, this study aims to examine the explanatory potential of boys’ and girls’ attitudes toward mathematics on their performance.”
SmartPrep - AI TOEFL speaking
SmartPrep is an AI model that helps people practice TOEFL speaking. This team has a lot of talented women with a strong STEM background.
Pika Labs
The most advanced video AI - era of GPT in video field. The founders, Demi Guo and Chenlin Meng, are talented women with strong STEM backgrounds. Here’s the interview of them, talking about the invention of Pika Labs.
The Discouragement in Chinese Girls in STEM Careers
“As Chinese girls continue to be disadvantaged by cultural norms, societal expectations, educational systems, and family dynamics, they continue to face barriers to STEM involvement.“
Chinese Female Students and STEM Gender Gap
“Data was collected from one-on-one interviews with six Chinese female international students. The interviews explored the familial, educator, and peer influences that promoted or challenged gender stereotypes related to STEM.“
Think Again: Men and women share cognitive skills
“If males and females were truly understood to be intellectual equals, things might change in schools, colleges and universities, industry, and the workplace in general.“
Gender Differences in High School Student’s Interest
“A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1240 high school students in Hunan Province, China, and the results of t-test, regression analysis, and structural equation model multi-group comparison.”
Reduce Gender Stereotypes
“Girls are likely to eventually experience situations in which they must confront negative gender stereotypes, and teacher gender may be particularly influential for girls in these situations.”
Sex Differences in Intrinsic Aptitude for Mathematics and Science
“Mathematical and scientific reasoning develop from a set of biologically based cognitive capacities that males and females share. These capacities lead men and women to develop equal talent for mathematics and science.”
Missing Women in STEM in China
“Results showed that the phenomenon was due to lower achievement motivation of women than that of men in STEM majors. The gender differences were gradually shaped by two stages of gender socialization.”
Gender Similarities in Science and Mathematics
“Boys and girls have similar psychological traits and cognitive abilities; thus, a focus on factors other than gender is needed to help girls persist in mathematical and scientific career tracks.“
Gender Differences in STEM Education in China
“The distribution of STEM educational resources and the lack of gender awareness of STEM education cause women to lose self-confidence and interest in STEM.”
Gender Differences in STEM Education in China
“When women perform math, they risk being judged by the negative stereotype that women have weaker math ability. This is called stereotype threat and it may disrupt women's math performance.”
Female Role Models & Teaching Strategies
“Seven strategies identified as being critically important to achieve gender equitable outcomes in STEM courses: collaboration, student-focused instruction, growth mindset, culturally responsive pedagogy, and creative problem solving.”